Decade of Early Hardcore | 2024 CH.02

On October 12th 2024 we will gather for the second time this year to Relive the past with the Best and Hardest Hardcore from the Early days Early Hardcore | Early Terror | Early Frenchcore
Decade of Early Hardcore | 2024

Decade of Early Hardcore | 2023 CH.02

For the second time this year we will gather again to Relive the past with the Best and Hardest Hardcore from the Early days. The venue will be filled with only the real lovers of the Hardcore from the Early days. Decade Events will show you, that Early Hardcore is more than just music to […]
Decade of Early Hardcore | 2023

It’s that time of the year again. The day that everyone realizes again, that Early Hardcore is still being loved after so many years. A venue filled with only the real lovers of the Hardcore from the Early days. Decade Events will show you, that Early Hardcore is more than just music to dans to. […]
50 Years of Bass-D

Bass-D wordt 50 en dat kan natuurlijk niet onopgemerkt voorbij gaan. Dit zal groots gevierd gaan worden; “The Hardcore way”. De uitnodigingen zijn verstuurd en een klapper van een line-up die volledig bestaat uit vrienden van vroeger en nu en staat garant voor een avond compleet uit je dak op de lekkerste Hardcore, is ontstaan. […]
Xposure | Ruffneck invites Promo

Buy Tickets Exclusive: Ruffneck All Night Long Solo & B2B with Promo, dropping their absolute personal favorite tunes, in one big epic frenzy of core essentials. These true Heroes of Hardcore will take you on a exclusive journey through time with 7 HRS of Hardcore History.